Exhibitors of the 8th Nishan World Civilization Forum

2023/11/13 16:07

The 8th Nishan World Civilization Forum is an important cultural exchange event aimed at promoting dialogue 

and cooperation among civilizations around the world. At this forum, there are many exhibitors from different 

countries and regions, who showcase their unique cultures and civilizations.

Among them, we displayed wooden handicrafts. China, as one of the guest countries, sent a delegation composed 

of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 

the Confucius Foundation of China and other units to participate in the exhibition. They displayed the essence of 

Chinese history and culture in the exhibition area, such as Confucian culture, calligraphy and painting, ceramics and 

jade, etc., attracting many visitors to stop and admire.

In addition, other exhibitors also displayed different civilizational characteristics. For example, India showcases religious 

cultures such as Hinduism and Buddhism; Japan showcases the fusion of Japanese traditional culture and modern culture; 

and South Korea showcases the charm of Korean traditional culture. These exhibitors not only enhance mutual understanding 

and friendship, but also demonstrate the uniqueness and value of different civilizations to the world.

Through this forum, people can better understand the differences and similarities between different civilizations and further 

promote cultural exchanges and cooperation around the world.

Exhibitors of the 8th Nishan World Civilization Forum

Exhibitors of the 8th Nishan World Civilization Forum

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